Sunday 26 October 2014

Quoting Text

Hello...Welcome again to my new entry this time on topics 'Quoting Text'.

Quoting refers to reproducing or repeating the exact words of another speaker or writer. Is it

 important for quoting in our works (of course assignment, research paper etc) ? Yes of course!!!

 otherwise your reader may be confused about who is speaking and what relation the quoted words

 have to your argument.

Do check on this websites for more details 


Hello everyone...
Do you know what is paraphrasing?
Okay let me explain into simpler sentence. Paraphrase is to include the ideas or information from an original author into your paper but by using your own words. The key to successful paraphrase words as possible from the original text-be remind not to change the meaning that you paraphrase and to cite your paraphrase. This is because, unproper citation, your paraphrase are actually plagiarism

Here are 3 tips for a good paraphrase:

1) Your paraphrase must have the same meaning as original. Which means include all important ideas, do not add any new ideas and do not alter the tone and original intention.

 2) You should use your own  words. This means try to change the vocabulary as much as possible. Morever change the sentence structure as much as possible. Next, do not copy more than 5 words in a row.

3) You must cite the original source, for example telling readers where you got the information.

Guys check it out on website  for more information. See you again..


Documenting Evidence

Hello everyone,
 For this session entry I would like to share about topics "Documenting Sources". Why we need this such things? There are several reasons why is it important to document your sources.

1) First of all, so that your reader know that you have done your homework and you are building from the ideas and research of others.

2) To let your reader know where to locate the original document if he or she is interested in it.

3) Lastly, of course to avoid plagiarism by giving appropriate credit where it is due.

For more information please check it out on websites

Friday 10 October 2014

Hello everyone!!
This time I would like to go through on topics about how to evaluate all sources. Do check for the info as soon as possible at the  link
I hope this simple tips will help you to find correct material for completing your assignment, journal, etc :)